Lit List: February 10, 2017
/Good evening readers. Here's your round-up of today's must-read literary news, commentary and fiction.
Gloria Anzaldúa. Credit: K. Kendall via Flickr
- La Malinche, a misunderstood figure of Mexican history, seen by Octavio Paz and Gloria Anzaldúa The New Inquiry
- Why we must reflect on Black History Month and the legacies of Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King, Jr. The New York Times
- If Aquinas is a philospher, so are Islamic theologians Aeon
- Hilton Als on James Baldwin's "luminescent words describing and analyzing dark matters" The New Yorker
- The decline of French intellectuals and the decline of France as a construction by French intellectuals The Los Angeles Review of Books
- Eva Weber's Black Out is a documentary about the resourcefulness of students in resource-strapped Conakry, Guinea Africa Is A Country
- The "cranky, creative, controversial" art collectives of the 1950s and 60s Guernica
- Jacob Riis on the New York tenements whose inhabitants yearned to breathe free Lapham's Quarterly