Lit List: Monday July 25, 2016
/Toni Morrison (Source: Wikipedia)
Good evening literary fans. Here's what we read today that you should too.
- 24 Most Controversial Books of All Time: J.K. Rowling, Dr. Seuss, Vladimir Nabokov amongst authors. (Electric Lit)
- On Gendered Book Covers and Being a Woman Designer: "Jennifer Heuer Wonders Why She's Always Getting Offered a Certain Kind of Book." (LitHub)
- Richard Falk: Narrating Turkey at a Time of National Crisis: A new essay on the violence in Turkey. (Guernica)
- Austria: The Lesson of the Far Right (NYR Daily)
- Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five: Matteo Pericoli shares "some of his designs and what they reveal" about Slaughterhouse-Five. (The Paris Review)
- Peter Sellars to Introduce Toni Morrison: Peter Sellars to introduce author Toni Morrison at the Edward MacDowell Medal ceremony. (GalleyCat)
- Clive James on the Poetry of Kingsley Amis (LitHub)